jeudi 16 décembre 2010


dimanche 5 décembre 2010

So true....

Audrey Hepburn quote

You heart just breaks, that's all. But you can't judge or point fingers. You just have to be lucky enough to find someone that appreciates you

mercredi 1 décembre 2010

dimanche 28 novembre 2010

Power read

Girls just bought THE SECRET and THE POWER, can't wait to read them. I will give you a proper review asap!!!

My current playlist

My runaway love - Justin Bieber ( no comments please ...)
Me faltas tu - Nathalie
Love king - The Dream
Confessions - Usher
One in a million - Neyo
Dont know why sometimes you need to listen to songs again and again and its always the same nice feeling...

jeudi 4 novembre 2010

Fringe malfunction!!!

ARRRFFFFF! Ok so what happenned is I had the perfect hairstyle, great long sun kissed locks and I don't know why on earth I died my hair dark brown, not to say black, and cut it shorter with the icing on the cake: a fringe :-( that does not suit me AT ALL. I am trying to hide it with braids and all but it just won't grow. So today I went to buy supplements and omega 3 pills hoping that these will get me back to the lovely hairstyle that I use to have. So girls, if you are bored by your hairstyle, think twice, not like me, and give some time to yourself to think about it. I will let you know about the efficiency of the supplements. Take care of yourself and of your HAIRRRRR!!